Thursday, May 26, 2011


This economy has hit everyone hard, not least of all me. I lost my job back in January and have been struggling since then to make ends meet. While I have been pressing ahead with my art collective, and could not stop the momentum of trying to finish my book, I find myself struggling to at last see ink to page!

I will not be deterred at this last stage, as you can see I met my Kickstarter goal, but I have been plagued by set backs. After meeting Stan Lee and heeding his advice for a new cover, I have been struggling for weeks to come up with a concept. Now that I have it realized, my computer is intent on exploding and I am racing to find a job to be able to afford to replace it.

My letterer has finished all the pages! No mean feat! Now it's up to me to work out the details and get my vision on paper. If I must crawl over broken glass I will see this accomplished. It's only one stumbling block on the path to personal greatness. No matter how many times I must literally beat my computer into working I will get this book DONE!

I am literally at the point where I am praying for a little karmatic mercy so I thought I would post to my blog in order to put it out there into the Universe.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Aftermath of Raising Money

As you can see on my side bar there I have successfully funded my book! Now I have to get the most for my money. I have already pre-sold 50 copies and so I have to make sure I cover that and can get them out at the most effective price. I know my model is a bit backward. I'm supposed to build myself up online before I ever attempt a physical book, but I can't help wanting it in my hands!

I want to feel my accomplishment and be able to physically hand it to someone when they ask about it. Trust me if I wasn't unemployed I would be revving up my marketing engine to go full blast with this thing. The sad truth is that my star has not reached the epic level needed to live off my art. Shocking I know. So I must husband my resources carefully so I can reach the people that really matter.

I'm working on a new cover, and I have a sticker design in place, if I can get the scanner working I will have a sneak peek for you. I am also working on all of the commissions for the Kickstarter campaign! They gave me a bunch of fun requests for their art.

More later!