Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Shiny Cover Means....

Awesomeness on the inside of course!

Here is the cover for Ties.

It went through a couple incarnations as you can see here.

But I felt it was too dark. Ira is dark enough in this book.  I wanted to show him drowning in his own messy life, while at the same time reaching for it. This "mess" creeps in again during the low points in his life.

Photoshop really is my only friend. I would love to learn more about Painter and Illustrator but I find I can do almost anything in Photoshop. I also cannot give up my plain old pencil and paper. I just can't ink with a tablet the way I ink with a brush.  I'm old school because I'm better at the old school.

Plus Megan showed me a Photoshop technique for getting the line work super clean. Thank you! You can see her super clean lines as well HERE!

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